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6 Tips for Hiring a Professional Translator

6 Tips for Hiring a Professional Translator

Technology has bridged the gap in foreign trade. Now, businesses can reach millions of people from different countries globally. With the help of a professional translator, businesses can effectively localize their content and reach more people. However, the language barrier is still a limiting factor today. Translation tools such as Google Translate and DeepL Translate can’t […]

How to Translate USCIS Immigration Documents

How to Translate USCIS Immigration Documents

A common struggle for immigrants seeking visas, green cards, citizenship, and so on is USCIS immigration document translation. Knowing the USCIS translation requirements and how to translate your legal documents accurately can save you time and money. Many applicants attempt to use Google Translate to convert legal documents, then get rejected by immigration officers leading to […]

Human Vs. Machine Translation: What’s Right for You?

Human Vs. Machine Translation: What’s Right for You?

While many will argue that machine translation will take over human translation, marketing experts know that until AI translators can appropriately understand the context in writing and convey emotion, human translators will always be invaluable.  Choosing the right translation method will depend on your priorities. Machine translation holds the higher ground when it comes to […]

6 Reasons why you need Translation Services for your Business

6 Reasons why you need Translation Services for your Business

According to a study by CSA, 40% of participants said they would not buy from a website that was not in their local language. Translation services can help your business reach more people in their native languages. To grow your business beyond your country’s borders, you must invest in professional translation services to help convey […]

What are Health Insurance Translation Requirements?

What are Health Insurance Translation Requirements?

Language barriers should never prevent people from receiving adequate medical care or compensation. Health insurance translation is essential in the medical industry, and you can face legal fines over claim issues if you get it wrong. Another importance of translation is it boosts your conversion rate by helping customers see and understand your services. You […]

Top 5 African languages to Translate 2023

Top 5 African languages to Translate 2023

Africa is the second most populous continent in the world, with over 1.37 billion people, which makes up 17.4 percent of the world population. If you want to expand your business in Africa, here are the top African languages to translate in 2023. Swahili Swahili is the most common African language to translate in East […]

Why Do you need Patent Translation?

Why Do you need Patent Translation?

Inventions require critical thinking. Filing patents protect your unique ideas by law, but they only apply in the country of approval. Patent translation ensures your intellectual property is protected internationally in countries of your interest.  Today we’ll find out everything you need to know about translating patents What is Patent Translation? Patent translation is the […]

How to Translate your Degree

How to Translate your Degree

Are you seeking admission into universities in the US or abroad? If yes, you’ll need to translate your degree to process your admission. Today, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about translating your academic certificates. What is Academic Translation? An academic translation is the conversion of scholarly documents from their source language […]